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How to survive a cold winter - Part 2

1 16018 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-01-06

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Place the cooler(s) outside (in the snow, if applicable) with a heavy rock or brick to keep pests(有害的人或物, 令人讨厌的人或物) out.

If you have a garage, place the stocked coolers inside of it until the power is restored. You could also place the food inside of a stand alone(独立的) freezer with the ice as another method of storage.
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If you want to have some winter fun in the storm or after, consider putting on your snowsuit and heading out with skis(滑雪板), sled(雪橇), snowboard, snow shoes or a snowmobile. It does not have to be Christmas to snow!

Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the activity. Protect your skin. Bring water and a little food and a cell phone along in case you are stranded or lost. It is not recommended to try any of these activities in a white out(因积雪反射造成的方向、距离难辨、似与大地相连的现象) or blizzard(暴风雪) conditions.
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Keep a bit of cash at home or office in case you cannot access the ATM or bank for a few days. You can always walk to a store or gas station for necessities and use your cash.
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A snowblower(吹雪机) and shovel may be your best friend in the snow, just be sure to use them wisely. Do not over exert yourself. Protect your back by bending your knees and pushing lighter loads in heavier snow. Consider hiring a neighborhood teen to do your shoveling if you cannot.

You can use a snowblower effectively, but only if you take the time to maintain it each year. You could also hire a plowing service so you do not have to worry each time it snows, but this will incur(招致) more cost and give you less control.
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In the event you are snowed in, use this time to reconnect with your family or friends.

You can catch up on calls, play cards and games, play electronic hand held games, flashlight tag and read stories by candlelight. Let the little ones play with glow in the dark toys for added fun and so they won't be afraid of the dark. You can all huddle(挤做一团) underneath blankets if the power and/or heat fails.

Keep the kids calm and occupied with snacks, stories and activities and lots of portable lights, radio and board or video games.

If you have a portable generator, use it to power your sump pump and essentials. A sleeping bag and blankets can give you extra heat when it is time to retire for the night.