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【塑化剂-台湾】Plasticizing Agent

1 18360 分享 来源:必克英语 2011-06-01

Taiwan island has been rocked by the scare, since industrial plasticizer was found in sports drinks.

Investigators traced the chemical to an emulsifier produced by Yu Sheng Chemical, an additive company in Taiwan. It substituted palm oil with the plasticizer DEHP, which is known to cause cancer.

Nearly two-hundred manufacturers have so far been found to have used the emulsifier. It's lead to nearly a million drinks being pulled from the shelves in Taiwan.



【讲解】文中的plasticizer即指塑化剂,也可以说成plasticizing agent,用塑化剂代替棕榈油(palm oil),目的是为了降低生产成本(cut production costs)。塑化剂被称为环境荷尔蒙,是一种内分泌干扰素(endocrine disruptor substances,EDS),会影响人体的荷尔蒙(hormone),专家称其毒性比三聚氰胺(melamine)还毒。


台湾塑化剂风暴如冲天火焰般愈烧愈烈,“卫生署”昨天清查,可能使用昱伸或宾汉制造含有塑化剂成分的起云剂涉案厂商共有155家,可能受污染产品489 项,知名品牌统一宝健运动饮料、台糖、味全、白兰氏、黑松等也全面沦陷。DEHP是一种普遍用于塑材的塑化剂,属环境荷尔蒙,会危害男性生殖能力,促使女性性早熟,已被台湾环保署列为第四类毒性化学物质,不得添加在食品里。台湾的一些男女出现的怪现象,一直原因不明,如今真相大白,原来是近30年来许多饮料食品中的起云剂配方里,都被加了塑化剂的缘故。