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2 9242 分享 来源:必克英语 2019-03-28


1. in turn一个接一个地     

in return      作为回报 I tried todo a good deed, but this is what I got in return,

by turns=one after the other 

take turn to do sth.轮流做某事

turn secretary=become a secretary 

turn to sb ( for help )              turn up=appear  

turn out=prove to be / produce

turn down 拒绝=refuse;音量调低 ;向下翻;


2. If she spent five years in Paris, how come she can't speak a word of French?


come across 越过某处;被理解;偶然发现, 偶然遇到

come into being/existence 出现,开始形成,建立

come into use/service开始使用 (无被动)

come out 出来; 出发;出版;名列…;(总数等)达到(+ at/to)

come to light 泄露(真相);被发现

cf. Your statement does not throw light on the subject.  并没有说明问题

come true实现,变成现实 My dream has come true. 我的一个梦想实现了。

Cf. realize one’s dream           reach one’s goal     turn sth into reality

come up 升起;走进;种子生长发育; 被提出  

come up with an idea(突然)想出办法


3. go all out to do sth 全力以赴去做某事 =try one’ best to…=do what / all one can to…

go beyond 超出;超出…的能力  go beyond one’s ability /imagination / control

go in for参与,参与(竞赛等);从事(某项工作);爱好,酷爱

go out (火)熄灭,过时了

cf. put out the fire(灭火)   put off 推迟, 延期( put off the meeting );

put down the rebellion(镇压)

go with 相配     (同义词match / goalong with)


4. keep in touch with与…保持联系(指状态)  

get in touch with (指动作)

keep up your courage保持勇气,别泄气

keep up with 跟上       catch up with 赶上


5. look down upon/ on sb 轻视某人;鄙视某人/某物

 look on /upon sb./sth. as 把...看作.(近义词组:regard…as; treat…as; consider…as/tobe)

look over 对…审阅;粗略地看;翻阅   

look up a word in a dictionary查阅…

look through 透过…看(尤指空隙或透明物体等);(从头到尾)初略地翻阅

look up to sb 尊敬某人

look sb. in the eye 盯着


6. make oneself at home(如同在家一般)随便些,不必客气

make arrangements for为…做安排

 make a been line for取捷径前往

make room for让出地方,腾出空间

 make the best of 充分利用 ,尽量利用

make the most of尽量利用,善于利用

make up for lost time/ground加紧努力补回失去或落后的时间

make oneself heard / understood使自己被别人听到/听懂理解

make good /no sense有意义/没意义

make tea/coffee 泡茶/咖

make for有助于,使成为Cultural exchanges make for mutual understanding.


7. put away 放好;收起来;把…放在原位;储藏 放弃

put aside放在一边;抛弃;暂时不做;留出(时间),省出(钱)

 put sth. in order(使)整齐

put on weight增加体重(lose weight减肥,减少体重)

 put on your clothes穿衣               take off your clothes脱衣

put an end/stop to制止,使停止,结束

cf. come to an end(某事)结束          end up with failure以失败而告终

put up with和某人住在一起;忍受,忍耐=bear / stand

put through 做成,完成;接通电话 使通过考试;使经历(难受的事)


8. take sb. by surprise (出人意料地)攻占;撞见

take A for B 把A误认为是B

take sb./sth. for granted认为…是必然情况,视为当然

take sth. into account/consideration加以考虑;予以重视

take advantage of  利用;占…的便宜

take the opportunity of抓住机会;利用(机会)

take charge of开始负…的责;看管;控制

take it easy=Don’t be nervous                 

take your time 从容   Take your time. There is still half an hour left.

take the place of代替   cf. stand for代表

take on a new look 呈现新面貌       take off脱下,起飞

take on sb 雇用=employ sb=hire sb

take in fresh air=absorb

 take up 占据(时间,地方);从事于 take up space / much time  take upa city攻占城市

 take up arms (against)拿起武器反对…,武装起来与…作对

 take over接管,接替

9. turn down 拒绝;音量调低 ;向下翻;

turn out制造出,生产出,培养出;结局是,结果是;原来是

It turns out that知道是…,结果证明是

It is one's turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事

turn over a new leaf重新生活,改过自新

turn in sth to sb 上交

10. not a little=much   not a bit=not at all=not in the least

---Are you hungry?

---Not a little. I could eat a horse.


11. break away from(the Union )脱离(联邦)              

get rid of bad habit 去掉         do away with废除


12. drop in at a place               drop in on ab      顺便拜访

13. due to=caused by   The accident was due to careless driving.

owing to=because of  Owing to the rain they could come.       

thanks to=as a result of  Thanks to your help we were successful.


14. feel like doing=would like to do…


15. figure out=imagine=work out                    make out 辩认,拼凑


16. have a gift for=be talented at

17. in short简言之         in a word   一句话


18. knock into sb=happen to meet sb         cf. knock sb down 撞倒


19. let out a cry of surprise= cry out


20. It is no wonder that …


There is no doubt that …


21. on show在展出                 cf. show off one new clothes 炫耀


22. out of order=in a mess / sth goeswrong     in (good) order


23. pick up sb  开车去接        pick out=choose


24. run short of                 run out of=use up


Our supplies have run short(不用被动语态)=We have run short of supplies.


25. run for 竞选     call for=need   


send for a doctor=ask sb to go to fetch adoctor


  apply for the position           申请


  run into sb=(suddenly) see sb撞上/碰到


26. set about to do sth=set out to do sth


27. burst out laughing        carry out a plan执行  

The war broke out in late autumn.

His shoes were worn out.       wear out 穿破


28. cut down the price 削减      cut off electricity 切断


29. call off a meeting=not hold …取消      see sb off at theairport 送行

set off for the first destination


30. break in 打断/插入       be engaged in      从事


31. reply to sb=answer sb        stick to sth / to doing sth 

see to sb=take care of sb

take to开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向, 照料, 求助于, 适应

take to gardening when one retires              take to drinking

 getdown to some solid work认真开始…             object to sth/ doing …反对


32. tear up a letter 撕…                    keep upone’s courage保持…      

bring up a child 抚养…                 break up a family     拆散…

stay up late at night=do not go to sleepuntil very late


33. pass away=die      die away= (sound ) gradually disappear


34. cut through=take a shortcut        see through one’s trick

I couldn’t get through; the line was busy.


35. in charge of负责           in the charge of,意味着在…管理下


36. add up to总计             add to=increase增加/添加


37. all at once=all of a sudden=suddenly


38. give out散发,分发,用完               give away背弃,泄露,赠送


39. keep … safe

to remain safe : cf: remaining food(剩菜剩饭)=leftover

to stay safe


40. What do you think of your new job?

How do you like your new job ?

How do you find your new job? 你认为你的新工作怎么样?