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1 11426 分享 来源:必克英语 2015-12-22

必克英语:癌症真的是因为运气不好所致?很多患者都很容易将这归结为运气之过,但这真的就是运气不好吗?其实,癌症并不取决于运气而是生活方式绝大多数的癌症是由环境因素造成的,而主要原因并不是因运气不佳。以下是 Richard Lister 的报道。

  It‘s long been known that giving up cigarettes, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding sunburn can reduce the chances of getting certain types of cancer。 But this new study suggests that our lifestyle choices could have an impact on between 70% and 90% of all cancer cases。

  The team at Stony Brook University re-analysed existing cancer data and found that random cell mutation rarely gets to the point of causing cancer without some form of external factor like toxic chemicals or radiation。

  They also found that anyone who moves from a country with a low cancer risk to somewhere with a higher risk becomes more likely to develop cancer themselves。 The findings are expected to influence medical advice on avoiding the disease。


  intake 摄取

  lifestyle 生活方式

  mutation 变异,基因突变

  toxic chemicals 有毒化学物质

  radiation 放射,辐射



  1。 True or false? The most important new discovery was that cigarettes, alcohol and sunburn can influence cancer risk。

  2。 Which word in the report means ‘coming from outside’?

  3。 How do things like cigarettes, alcohol and sunburn make cancer more likely?

  4。 Will the research have any impact on the work of health professionals?


  1。 True or false? The most important new discovery was that cigarettes, alcohol and sunburn can influence cancer risk。

  False。 Scientists have known for a long time that cigarettes, alcohol and sunburn can influence cancer risk, but this study suggests the impact is much greater than previously thought。

  2。 Which word in the report means ‘coming from outside’?


  3。 How do things like cigarettes, alcohol and sunburn make cancer more likely?

  Toxic chemicals in cigarettes and alcohol, and radiation from the sun make it more likely that random cell mutations result in cancer。

  4。 Will the research have any impact on the work of health professionals?

  It is expected that this research will influence the medical advice that health professionals give。


英语幽默小故事(双语):女士优先Lady First
