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1 5119 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-04-22

From VOA Learning English, this is In the News.

Almost 270 people are still missing from a boat that sank off the southern coast of South Korea. Most of the missing are high school students.

The South Korean ferry Sewol was carrying about 475 passengers. It sank Wednesday morning near the island of Jindo. More than 25 people are confirmed dead. Rescuers have saved more than 175 people. But hopes of finding more survivors are decreasing.

Some of the passengers jumped in the water and were rescued by ships. Rescue teams and helicopters pulled others from the boat.

Student Kim Tae-yuon survived. He said, "I held a handrail and moved toward the right side of the ferry to ride a helicopter as water kept coming in."
学生Kim Tae-yuon幸免于难。他说,“我扶着扶手转移到渡轮的右侧,坐上了直升飞机,与此同时水不断涌了进来。”

Another survivor, Cha Eun-ok, described the situation on the boat, "I was keeping still without making any movement. There was an announcement that we should not move."
另一位幸存者Cha Eun-ok描述了船上的情况。“我一直没敢动,有广播通知让我们别动。”

Oh Byung-Hwan is the father of a missing student. Like many parents, he expressed anger about the search effort.
Oh Byung-Hwan是一名失踪学生的父亲。像其他父母一样,他对救援工作感到非常气愤。

He said there was no rescue effort on Wednesday. He said emergency workers could not get into the ferry. He said they just dove around the area.

Cho Kyung-mi is related to a missing student. She said too much time has passed.
Cho Kyung-mi和一名失踪学生有关联。她说时间过去太多了。

She said, "They should have rescued the children on the day it happened. What are they doing now? Three days have passed." She said, "They must be cold and scared, deep underwater."

Divers could not enter the ship during several rescue attempts. The water in the area is dark and cold with a strong current. Three divers were caught in a current and later rescued.

The release of incorrect information has made it more difficult for parents. Soon after the boat sank, South Korean officials reported all of the students and most of the other passengers had been rescued. But a little later, officials said many fewer people were rescued than first reported.

When the ship began to sink, survivors said that ferry operators told passengers not to move. The media reported of text messages from survivors trapped in the ferry. The reports were later withdrawn.

South Korean media reported that the ship captain was one of the first people to leave the ship. Lee Joon-seok was shown on Korean TV with his head down in an attempt to hide his face. Lee said that he was extremely sorry and did not know what to say.
韩国媒体报道说,船长是首批离船者之一。李俊锡(Lee Joon-seok)在韩国电视台上露面,他低着头,试图挡住自己的脸。李俊锡表示,他感到非常难过,不知道该说些什么。

It is still not clear what caused the ferry to sink. Rescued passengers said they heard a loud noise before the ship began to sink. This led people to guess that the ferry hit a rock. The Coast Guard also said that the ferry did not follow the path suggested by officials.

Captain Lee told a newspaper that he did not hit anything.

Kim Han-sik is president of the company that operates the ferry. He has publicly apologized. He said, "executives and employees of the Chinghaejin Marine Office have committed a grave sin."
金汉植(Kim Han-sik)是这艘渡轮经营方的公司总裁。他做出了公开道歉。他说,“清海镇海运公司(Chinghaejin Marine Office)的行政部门及雇员犯下了大罪。”

And that's In The News from VOA Learning English. I'm Mario Ritter.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语新闻报道的全部内容,我是马里奥·里特(Mario Ritter)。

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