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1 5378 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-04-28

BBC News with Jerry Smit

The United States says it's disappointed by the deal between Fatah and Hamas which should allow the rival Palestinian factions to form a unity government after years of division.The State Department warns the agreement could complicate efforts to extend Middle East peace talks.Barbara Plett Usher reports from Washington.

The State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the timing of the announcement was troubling.It came as US was struggling to get Israel and Palestinians to agree to extend so far fruitless peace talks.Mrs.Psaki said the Palestinian deal could seriously complicate those efforts, declaring the Israel could not be expected to negotiate with a government that didn't with its right to exist which is the Hamas position.She said the administration would watch closely what steps are actually taken in the coming hours and days.

Ukrainian government officials said the operation to remove pro-Russian groups from eastern Ukraine is well under way after Easter truce.The Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that Russia would retaliate if what he called its interests were threatened.Mr.Lavrov also suggested that the United States had a hand in the current standoff in Ukraine.

Now, the Joe Biden's visit to Kiev, this count terrorist operation was declared in the act phase again. Well, it's quite telling that they chose the moment of the Vice-President of the United States visit to announce the resumption of this operation. So, I don't have any reason not to believe that Americans are running the show in a very close range.

The US State Department dismissed Mr.Lavrov's claims as ludicrous and not based in fact.

The first contingent of 600 US troops being deployed to eastern Europe has arrived in Poland as Washongton seeks to reassure its Nato allies following Russia's annexation of Crimea.150 soldiers were take part in live training exercises in Poland for a month before replacement brought in.Another 450 service personnel have been sent to Lithuania Latvia and Estonia.

The World Health organization has expressed concern at the rising number of cases of the potentially deadly virus known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS. More than 93 people have died from the virus globally since it was first detected in Saudi Arabia two years ago. The BBC's global health reporter Tulip Mazumdar has the details.

The World Health Organization says the sudden rising cases is particularly worrying because of an outbreak in healthcare facilities in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It says many of the new infections have been in medical staff treating sick patients, scientists still don't know the source of the virus although they expected came from camels or how it spreads. The World Health Organization is now offering to send international experts into both countries to investigate what's happening, they want to establish whether the virus could be mutating to become more contagious.

World News from the BBC.

South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has sacked the head of the national army.The decree read out on state television announced that general James Hoth Mai would be removed with immediate effect.The director of the military intelligence unit was also dismissed no official reason was given.


A judge in the United States has ruled that the soldier convicted passing thousands of secret documents to the Wikileaks website may formally change her first name to reflect her desire to be known as a woman.He said Private Bradley Manning a former defense analyst can be known as Chelsea.David Willis reports from Washington.

The ruling by a Kansas judge clears the way for official changes to Manning's military records, although it doesn't compel the army to treat her as a woman or to transfer her to a woman's jail. Nevertheless, Manning called it an exciting day saying in a statement that she hoped the decision would raise awareness of the hurdles transgender people jump through every day simply in order to be who they are.

The retired Cuban baseball pitcher Conrado or Connie Marrero the oldest former player from America's major league has died in Havana he was 102.Marrero played in the Mexican league and for Cuba's national team before making his US debut with the Washington senators in 1950. He stayed with the club for five seasons impressing fans with a repertoire of unusual pitchers that kept opponents guessing.

BBC News.


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