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1 5004 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-13

BBC news with Sue Montgomery

苏·蒙哥马利[Sue Montgomery]为您报道BBC新闻。

The Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on pro-Russian separatists in southern and eastern Ukraine to postpone a referendum on autonomy, which is due at the weekend. He also said this month's presidential elections in Ukraine were a move in the right direction. From Moscow, Steve Rosenberg.

俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京[Vladimir Putin]已经号召在乌克兰南部和东部的亲俄罗斯分裂分子推迟就自治权进行的公投,该公投原定于周末举行。他还说这个月乌克兰的总统选举是朝着正确方向的一步。史蒂夫·罗森伯格[Steve Rosenberg]莫斯科报道。

The one thing Vladimir Putin isn't known for is performing U turns but his latest comments on Ukraine do suggest a shift in the Kremlin's position. And that raises hope at least of a diplomatic solution to the conflict. President Putin called on supporters of federalization in southeast Ukraine to postpone a referendum on secession planned for Sunday. This he said would create conditions for dialogue between the authorities in Kiev and those in Ukraine seeking greater autonomy.

弗拉基米尔·普京[Vladimir Putin]最不清楚的一件事就是掉头转向,但是他对乌克兰最新的评论确实表明了克里姆林宫立场的转变。而这燃起了用外交方式解决这场危机的希望。普京[Putin]总统呼吁乌克兰南部联邦制的支持者们推迟原定于星期天举行的公投。他说这将能够为基辅和希望寻求更大自治权的乌克兰人创造对话条件。

The Ukrainian interior ministry has called for all remaining matches in the season's football league to be held without spectators to avoid further incidents of violence. The call comes after clashes at recent games between pro-Russian groups and people who support a united Ukraine.


After three years of fighting with Syrian government forces, hundreds of opposition fighters have been streaming out of the old city of Homs, which had become a symbol of resistance to President Assad. Smoke billowed from parts of the city. Residents said the rebels had set fire to their bases before they left. The warring sides had made a deal which allowed the rebels and their families to leave. This activist in Holmes summed up the feelings of those moving out. “Up till now we have been fighting. We love the city. We lived our best days here. It's in our hearts and souls. None of the international organizations succeeded in putting enough pressure on the regime to open a humanitarian corridor or to supply us with the basic needs, food and medicine. We will leave to preserve who is still alive inside.”


Several hundred people are now thought to have died in an attack in northeastern Nigeria by suspected members of the Islamist group Boko Haram. A local senator said about 300 people were killed as militants stormed a town near the border with Cameroon on Monday. This report from Richard Hamilton.

伊斯兰博科圣地组织的嫌疑分子在尼日利亚的东北部发动了一场袭击,据说导致了数百人死亡。当地一名参议员说武装分子在星期一袭击了与喀麦隆边境靠近的一座城镇,导致了300多人丧生。理查德·汉密尔顿[Richard Hamilton]报道。

A resident of the town of Gamboru Ngala, in Borno state told the BBC that people began to bury their relatives in mass graves on Tuesday and were still burying them now. She said the militants had locked up whole families in their homes. And then the gunmen would enter and spray them with bullets. Many residents had talked about members of Boko Haram using diversionary tactics. They said the militants spread rumors that the abducted school girls had been spotted somewhere else. The security forces then left Gamboru Ngala, leaving it at the mercy of Boko Haram.


World news from the BBC


South Africans have turned out in large numbers to vote in general elections as the country marks 20 years since the end of white minority rule. Long queues formed outside polling stations. And there was an air of excitement especially amongst first time voters, born after the end of the apartheid in 1994. The African National Congress is expected to win a fifth consecutive term in office.


New research into piracy has found that it has declined off the coast of east Africa but it is proving more difficult to combat on the west coast. The report by Oceans Beyond Piracy examined the costs of piracy off Somalia and in the Gulf of Guinea last year. It said although the economic cost of Somali piracy was 3 billion dollars, raids on ships declined, with only 23 vessels being targeted last year.

对海盗的新调查发现其在非洲东海岸已经不那么活跃了,但是事实证明打击西海岸的海盗却更困难。来自“Oceans Beyond Piracy”的报告研究了去年索马里和几内亚海湾的海盗成本,发现尽管索马里海盗的经济成本是30亿美元,但是船只遭到突袭的次数在减少,去年只有23只船遭到袭击。

The founder of a Saudi human rights organization has been sentenced by a court in Riyadh to 10 years imprisonment and 1,000 lashes for assaulting Islam. Prior to his arrest in 2012, Raif Badawi's organization, the Saudi Liberal Network had criticized cleric/ and religious bullies on his website.

沙特人权组织的创始人因为亵渎可兰经已经被利雅得法院判处10年有期徒刑和1000次鞭刑。在2012年被逮捕之前,(Raif Badawi)的组织“沙特自由网络”在网站上批评了阿訇和宗教恶霸的行为。

A German art hoarder, whose collection of priceless works triggered an investigation into arts looted by the Nazis, has left the paintings to the Bern art museum in Switzerland. Steve Evans is in Berlin.

一名德国艺术收藏家的无价藏品引发了对纳粹掠夺艺术品的调查,这名收藏家已经将这些画作留给瑞士的伯恩艺术博物馆。(Steve Evans)柏林报道。

The art museum says it's surprised and delighted that Cornelius Gurlitt's will stipulated that it should get the pictures he kept in secret. But it adds, that the legacy brings with it, what it calls a wealth of questions of the most difficult and sensitive kind, of a legal and ethical nature, The museum now inherits more than a thousand pictures which any gallery in the world would want, but also disputes over how many of the works were looted by the Nazis, and then acquired improperly by Cornelius Gurlitt's father, who was a war time art dealer.

艺术博物馆称其又惊讶又开心看到(Cornelius Gurlitt)在遗嘱中规定要将画作秘密地保藏。但是博物馆补充说,这笔遗产让人对其合法性和伦理本性产生了疑问。博物馆现在继承了1000多幅世界上任何画廊都渴望拥有的画作,但也对纳粹究竟掠夺了多少作品进行了争论,这些作品通过不当方式被(Cornelius Gurlitt)的父亲获得,他当时是战时艺术交易商。

BBC news



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