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1 5345 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-05-21

BBC News with David Austin.
Turkish prosecutors have charged three people with negligence and causing deaths in connection with the country's worst mining disaster. 301 people died at the Soma coal mine last Tuesday after an explosion and fire. James Reynolds reports. “Turkish state media reports that several dozen prosecutors are investigating the Soma mine collapse, and they have now made their first arrests. The police have taken some of the detainees to Soma's well guarded court house for questioning. Their names have not been released, but Turkey's Doan News agency reports that those arrested include the mine's general manager, and also its operations manager. One Friday, the company which owns the mine, Soma Holding repeatedly denied executions of negligence and poor safety standards.”
在土耳其最严重矿难的案件审判中,检察官指控三人玩忽职守,造成重大伤亡。上周二在索马煤矿有301人死于爆炸和火灾。 James Reynolds报道。

Gunmen have attacked the parliament building in Libya, and reported to reseize a number of hostages. Some witnesses say the assailance was from the powerful Zinton militias that helped topple Muammar Gaddafi, while others say they are connected to the renegade former army officer Khalifa Haftar, who led a major assault against Islamists in Benghazi on Friday. Both groups want parliament to hand over power to the body drafting a new Libyan constitution. Rana Jawad described how the attack unfolded. “It started off with an attack against the headquarters of the congress. It didn’t last for very long, but a lot of heavy arms were fired as they reached the gate and went in. These Zinton brigades that is, and then they withdrew, and since then, for another few hours throughout the evening, we heard a lot of gunfire and smaller explosions. We understand that was perhaps a continuation of a struggle for power and it was basically between the Zinton militia brigades and another rival militia that’s based across the road from them.”
武装分子袭击了利比亚议会大楼,据悉已经劫持了多名人质,有目击者称袭击者来自曾帮助推翻卡扎菲的津坦民兵,也有人说这些人与变节的前军官哈利法•哈他有关,哈他周五领导了针对伊斯兰的重大进攻。两个组织都希望议会将权力交给起草利比亚新宪法的机构,Rana Jawad解释了袭击的由来。

The Malian prime minister says the country is now at war with Tuareg separatists in the north. And the troops have been sent there to retake the town of Quartel of the rebel’s party control. Mussa Maral spoke after more than 30 people were killed in clashes in the city on Saturday. The fighting broke out during Mr. Marror's visit to Qaterl, the rebels called it a provocation. The militants are still holding 28 people that they seized after the violence. French and African troops have been fighting to clear northern Mali of Tuareg separatists and Islamist forces.

Columbia's presidential campaign has taken an unexpected turn when a news magazine published a video of the leading candidate discussing illegal interceptions with the former adviser. The adviser was later jailed for illegal hacking and espionage. The candidate Oscar Ivan Zuluaga had previously denied any knowledge of the man’s illegal activities. He had been hired by Mr. Zuluaga’s campaign as a computing security expert.

World news from the BBC.
Reports from Syria say that a top ranking officer in the army has been killed in fighting near Damascus. The security official and opposition activist said the general Hussian E  died of wounds during a battle to recapture the town of M from rebel fighters. General E was the head of the government’s air defense forces. State media has so far made no mention of his death.

Emergency workers in Serbia have been preparing for what they call a flood wave on one of the country's main rivers the Sava. A week of torrential rain in the western Balkans has caused landslides, flooding and at least 35 deaths. The rain has, now, stopped in Belgrade, but flood waters from neighboring Croatia and Bosnia are expected to fall down the River Sava, raising the water level so much that it could burst its banks.

The disgraced French financial trader Jerome Kerviel has started walking back to France to face justice. He is due to start a 3-year jail term for 5-billion-Euro fraud within the next hour. He spent the last two months on a protest walk from Rome. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris. “Jerome Kerviel returned on foot from Italy to face French justice, turned into a media circus over the weekend as the convicted rogue trader walked to within 100 meters of the frontier and then turned back. Now, he says he has changed his mind again and will cross the border. In fact, the French police have given him until midnight Sunday to turn himself in, after which they say he will be considered a fugitive and be the object of a European arrest warrant. Mr. Kerviel lost his last appeal against the three-year prison term in March.

Inmates at a maximum-security prison in Northeastern Brazil have released four guards and nearly 130 other people that they took hostage on Saturday. Most of those held were relatives of the prisoners, including 15 children. They have been visiting the prison at the time. BBC News.

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