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1 4203 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-06-23

President of football's world governing body FIFA Sepp Blatter has said that he expected the upcoming World Cup in Brazil to be a success. He was speaking in Sao Paulo. Katy Watson reports from Sao Paulo.

国际足球联盟[FIFA]主席布拉特[Sepp Blatter]在圣保罗发表讲话时称他期待即将到来的巴西世界杯取得成功。凯蒂·沃森[Katy Watson]圣保罗发回了报道。

At a press conference in Sao Paulo on Thursday, FIFA insisted that the World Cup would be a success.


We have listened to all the reports. It's not up to me now to comment on that. But I can tell you, listening to the report, we are confident, we and FIFA, we are confident.


But even some of its executives couldn't avoid reality as they sat in traffic jams for hours trying to get across the city during the strike. Union leaders on Sao Paulo's metro system have asked for a double digit pay rise and better conditions. They deny it has anything to do with the World Cup and everything to do with needing higher salaries to keep pace with the inflation. The state-owned underground company was locked in negotiations with Union leaders on Thursday afternoon. And the government is under a huge amount of pressure. The only viable way for fans to reach Sao Paulo Stadium is on public transport. If that fails, it won't just be a huge inconvenience for visitors but a huge embarrassment for the government, too. Katy Watson, our reporter in Sao Paulo.

但甚至FIFA的一些高管们也不得不面对现实。在罢工期间,他们在来的路上遭遇了几个小时的塞车。圣保罗地铁系统工会负责人要求两位数增加工资、提高工作待遇。他们称这和世界杯无关,涨工资是为了适应通货膨胀。星期四下午,这家国有地铁公司与工会负责人举行了谈判。政府的压力很大。球迷到达圣保罗体育场的唯一途径就是公共交通。公共交通瘫痪不仅会给游客带来不便,更会让政府蒙羞。我们的记者凯蒂·沃森[Katy Watson]圣保罗报道。

Now Eimear McBride took 6 months to write her first novel, 10 years to find a publisher, but she was rewarded this week when she won a top literary prize in London worth 50,000 dollars. Her book A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing tells us the story of a young woman's relationship with her brother and the long shadow cast by his childhood brain tumor. It's set in Ireland in the time of religious oppression and sexual abuse. Here is an extract.

如今麦克布莱德[Eimear McBride]花了6个月的时间完成她的第一部小说,却用了10年的时间找到出版商。但是本周,她在伦敦赢得一个顶级文学奖的桂冠,并且获得了5万美元的奖金。她的书《A Girl Is A Half-Formed Thing》向我们讲述一个姑娘和她哥哥之间的故事,以及哥哥童年时期脑瘤产生的长期阴影。故事的发生地是爱尔兰,背景是宗教压迫和性虐待。下面是书中的一段文字。

See here this party. It's a mad. I'd never been. I've only seen on top films.


Yeah, absolutely it was a huge surprise and you know, a great honor, and you know, not something that I was expecting.


And to win a prize with a book that you found such a difficulty in finding a publisher for.


Yeah, that's right. I mean, that's certainly felt like a vindication for me. You know, I wrote the book in 2004 in 6 months and then that it took me most of the next decade to find a publisher for it.


You say vindicated, what do you think the problem was that publishers had with the book?


Well, what they told me was that while they admired the writing, they found that the subject was interestingly dealt with, they didn't feel that the book fell into any kind of need, marketing niche.


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