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1 5593 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-07-14

We start with some breaking news. The first video footage of the man believed to be the leader of the ISIS, the militant group which has taken control of large part of Syria and Iraq. This is the material that was posted online. But it appears to show Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi speaking in a great Mosque, as now being, which is in Mosul. It's thought the video was filmed on Friday, and this follows report that he may have been killed in the fighting in Iraq. Well, let's get more now from our correspondent Paul Adams who is in Baghdad.

“Paul, how would we know that this is the ISIS leader and this was filmed recently?”

“You've good, propose for a good question because certainly the man who appears in this video is rather different from the couple of the rather grainy still images that we've had of him up to now and which he’d appeared somewhat scrappy unshaven figure. Here we have a man who looked every inch the religious preacher with this full black beard and robes, as speaking there in the very grand surroundings of the Great Mosque of Nur al-Din, which is one of the most famous mosques in Iraq and certainly the most famous landmark in Mosul. We've spoken to people who believe that this is indeed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, that is certainly how the video presents him, the video produced by ISIS themselves. We've spoken to an Iraqi official who is quite well acquainted with Mr. al-Baghdadi and he believes that this is him. And it is also consistent with reports that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi did indeed address the congregation there in the mosque in Mosul yesterday. So as you say, after about 24 hours or so in which a number of fairly vague rumors about his possibly having been injured or killed in some kind of military operation have been circulating here in rather glorious technicolor would've appeared to be the ISIS response. Here is a man re-carved as a religious and temporal leader addressing the faithful in one of the most important mosques in the country.”
你的问题提得很好,因为当然视频中粗糙的图像和我们听说的未修面的形象很不同。这个视频中的宗教传道者留着黑胡子,穿着长袍,在Nur al-Din大清真寺的众多聆听者的包围中讲话,这个清真寺在伊拉克很有名,当然也是摩苏尔最有名的地标建筑。

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