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1 5106 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-07-29

From VOA Learning English, this is the Technology Report.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are not supposed to eat or drink anything all day. This is called fasting. People with diabetes can become sick when they fast. Now some African diabetes patients can receive help with their health before, during and after Ramadan.

Senegal has become the first French speaking country in Africa to use a wireless phone application, called mRamadan. The new application or app sends free text messages everyday with fasting advice for diabetics.

The mRamadan app is part of the Be Healthy Be Mobile campaign, from the World Health Organization and the International Telecommunication Union. The campaign goal is to reduce the large number of emergency hospital visits during Ramadan.
这款mRamadan应用程序是来自世界卫生组织和国际电信联盟的Be Healthy Be Mobile活动的一部分,该活动的目标是减少斋月期间大量的急诊。

Diabetics who are testing the new app say it has been quite helpful. Like 26 year-old Marie Gadio, she found out she had diabetes when she was 13. She says living with diabetes during Ramadan is not easy.
正在测试这款新应用程序的糖尿病患者说它很有帮助。像26岁的玛丽•加迪奥(Marie Gadio),她在13岁时发现自己患有糖尿病。她说,患有糖尿病在斋月期间生活很不容易。

"Certain diabetics just fast as they want, without knowing anything, but now our technology is developing and people can take advice from this program," Gadio said.

There are exceptions to the rule about fasting during Ramadan. The very young and old do not have to fast. Pregnant women and people with poor health often are permitted to eat during the day. But many diabetics say they do try to fast during Ramadan. They also sometimes stop taking insulin, a medicine used to control blood sugar levels.

Dr. Maimouna Ndour Mbaye studies diabetes at the Marc Sankale National Diabetes Center in Senegal's capital, Dakar. She says diabetics face a number of problems while fasting.
迈穆娜•内杜尔•姆巴耶(Maimouna Ndour Mbaye)博士在塞内加尔首都达喀尔的Marc Sankale国家糖尿病中心从事糖尿病研究。她说,糖尿病患者在禁食期间面临一系列问题。

"The first risk is hypoglycemia, which can be very harmful for the brain, in particular. There is also a risk of hyperglycemia, because when they fast, their diabetes is less controlled. They cannot take their medication on a regular basis. And this is a risk..." Mbaye said.

Dr. Mbaye says diabetics are also at an increased risk of dehydration, which is sickness from a lack of water. She says that all diabetics should talk with their doctors before deciding if it is safe not to eat and drink.

Some of the mRamadan messages remind people to drink at least one liter of water each morning before beginning the fast. Other messages tell how to make changes to medication use. The advice also advises diabetics not to eat too many sugary foods during the breaks in fasting.

And that's the VOA Learning English Technology Report. I'm Jonathan Evans.
以上就是本期美国之音慢速英语科技报道的全部内容。我是我是乔纳森•埃文斯(Jonathan Evans)。

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