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1 5238 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-08-27




BBC News with Jerry Smit.

杰里·斯密特(Jerry Smit)为您播报BBC新闻。

President Obama has described the beheading of the American journalist James Foley by Islamic State militants as an act of violence that shocked the conscience of the entire world.Mr.Obama said no just God would stand for what they have done.Kim Ghattas reports from Washington.

奥巴马总统称美国记者詹姆斯·弗雷被伊斯兰国武装分子砍头为暴行,冲击着全世界的良知。奥巴马说上帝不会支持其做法。吉姆·盖特斯(Kim Ghattas)在华盛顿报道。

The American President looked grim as he paid tribute to James Foley and his reporting from the Middle East.Mr.Obama said he was heart broken and would seek justice for the violent killing, he added that the US would continue to do what it must,to protect its people. He did not go into details, but already the Pentagon has confirmed there have been dozens of drone strikes against the targets of Islamic State in Iraq over the last few days.President Obama also said the US would help those who stand against the Islamic State, he said the militants spoke for no religion and their victims were overwhelmingly Muslims.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron says looks increasingly likely that the man who beheaded James Foley is a British citizen. British intelligence is working to identify the masked militant who speaks with English accent. Mr. Cameron warned against what he called a knee jerk reaction.


David Cameron cut shorts a family holiday Cornwall in the wake of the release of the video, after emergency meetings with intelligence officials and ministers in Downing Street, the Prime Minister said far too many British citizens have travelled to Syria and Iraq to take part in violence and extremism.Mr.Cameron said the government would redouble its efforts to stop people during abroad including taking away passports so the people couldn't travel.


One of Pakistan's main opposition leaders Imran Khan says there will be no talks with the government until the Prime Minister Nawaz Sherif is ready to resign.Speaking to thousands of supporters holding a sit-in in front of the Pakistani parliament, Mr.Khan said the protest was aimed at what he alleged to be Mr.Sherif's corruption and electoral fraud.Other Pakistani politician have criticized Mr.Khan's week long campaign to bring down the government as unconstitutional.


A number of trucks from the huge Russian aid convoy has moved into the Ukraine custom zone between the two countries at Isverino Check point. Our correspondent David Stern reports from Kiev.

俄罗斯庞大援助使团的多辆卡车已驶入俄乌之间乌克兰海关区域的Isverino检查站。记者戴维·斯特恩(David Stern)在基辅报道。

Only a small part of a convoy entered the custom zone on the Russian-Ukrainian border,it was unclear when the lorries would in fact enter Ukrainian territory, but this was a major step after nearly a week of the standing mumble. Kiev accused Moscow of using the convoy for some sort of military operation, whether to provide cover for invasion or to deliver weapons to pro-Russian insurgent. Red Cross officials who were overseeing the delivery of the aid had said that the lorries would not enter Ukraine until they receive satisfactory security guarantee.


World News from the BBC.


The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the military campaign in Gaza is not over and he promised to continue it until Israel's security is restored.Speaking on television Mr.Netanyahu described the Palestinian militant group Hamas has been a branch of the same tree as the Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq.Hamas has fired dozens of rockets into Israel since the collapse of ten day ceasefire.Israel has retaliated with about a hundred air strikes on Gaza.


The medical charity Medicin Sans Frontier has criticized the response of the United Nations and the World Health Organization to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.The operations director of MSF described the reation to the spread of the disease has been closed to zero.


For Medicin Sans Frontier we feel very much alone in this crisis, we are really at the forefront with almost no organization doing isolation in treatment centers and basically we are still quite amazed by the lack of response from the UN system and also the WHO so far.


A WHO spokesman said it was increasing the number of health workers and logistic supplies to the infected areas.


The government in Guatemala says the chief of the armed forces general Rudy Ortiz has been killed in a helicopter crash near the border with Mexico,four other military officials also died in the accident.The helicopter came down in a mountainous area.The cause of the crash is unknown. The Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina paid tribute to the general's hard work and dedication during a long military career.

危地马拉政府称军队参谋长鲁迪·奥尔蒂斯(Rudy Ortiz)在墨西哥附近坠机事故中丧生,另4名军官也在事故中死亡。这架直升机坠落在山区,坠机原因尚不清楚。危地马拉总统奥托·佩雷斯·莫利纳向这位将军长久军事生涯中付出的努力和贡献致敬。

The authorities in Iceland have warned that the massive rambling volcano is in danger of erupting.It raises fears of a repeated air travel chaos four years ago when another Icelandic peak spewed ash into the sky leading to the shut down of international airspace that left several million passengers stranded.


BBC News.


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