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【遇见艾伦】:艾伦脱口秀03 毒舌评委西蒙•考威尔喜当爹

1 4762 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-01


So...so you get the call, you are...and...you really want to know, don't you? yeah, I kinda do.

所以你接到了电话…然后… 你真的很想知道, 是吧?对啊, 还真想。

Eh...but no, so you are...you are...Well, at first, were you like 'oh, my god'. Or were you like 'oh ,my god! this is exciting.'

不过 …所以你… 好吧… 刚开始你是觉得“不是吧”, 还是觉得,“天哪 太好了”。

I was...well, yeah, 'oh my god, it is exciting, 'em...and this is gonna be a little bit of nightmare now for the next few weeks. Right.

我当时 …恩, 觉得 “天哪 太好了” 但觉得接下来几周,会很难捱,恩。

Em...you know, 'cause ,you know, everybody knows. It's well documented, it was kind of uncomfortable.


And you know, the situation. Right.


But em..em this things happen, and you know everything is kind of calm now, and I'm happy.

但是 这种事总会发生的,但现在已经平静下来了,我其实挺开心的。

And in fact I am actually happier than I've ever been.


Well, that's a good thing. Yeah. That's good thing. Which is why obviously this is happening, because you...you have to be in the space. and Lauren ,is her name right? Yeah.


And she is healthy and happy, and...yeah, yeah, she is in really good.


Really really good place. I know this has been hard for her, 'cause the whole, you know, everything has been kind of thrust on her, and she's ,she's , a lot of attention, and that's gonna be hard on her.


Well, yeah, I mean this is obviously...I...I can't blame the media, 'cause it was, you know, a kind of what I call a juicy story, you know.


But there was a lot of stuff that was said about her,


You know, you know, the...she trapped me and that she's a gold-digger, I mean this is absolutely nonsense. right.


She's a great girl, em...but you know,


like it said, it was...it was...awkward because of the circumstances.

就像报道说的, 这件事关系有点尴尬。

Right, and em, and it's a boy? You'll have to wait and see.


But, but it's a boy. Well, there are a lot of boys in my family, so the odds are...

但是 就是男孩吧,好吧,我家族男孩还挺多的,几率比较大?

Right, that's gonna be a boy. And so em, what's his name?

好吧 就是个男孩嘛,名字取好了吗?

Your mom is happy, right? She is gonna be...


She's thrilled, yeah, yep, yep, really, really thrilled.

她很开心, 是啊,真的超级开心。

So now are you worried thought that...


that how much time you're gonna ,you're gonna travel with...


where will you raise the boy? You are funny, Ellen. here? I mean...

他主要会待在哪个城市呢, Ellen? 你可真淘气, 这里吗? 我是说。

Here or... well ,both in New York, los Angeles, London.


He is gonna travel a lot. That's exciting.


He or she will travel a lot, yes. Right. Right.


We all know it's a boy. I'll tell you later. Alright.


You said you wanted like a little, en...


if you...if you do have a son, which you will,

如果你有个儿子的话, 其实明明已经有了。

that he will be...that you want a little "mini-me"


so I got him a little T-shirt to get him started.


And well first of all, em...actually that would fit me.

首先, 这个其实我也穿得上额。

That is yours, that's yours. Oh, that's mine.

这个就是你打, 给你的,哦,我的。

No, this is ,this is his. That's his. That's yours. Look, come on.


I know...I said I know, Simon. That is hilarious.

我最懂你了, 这太好笑了。

I know, so... okay, boy or girl, I am gonna keep these.

我知道 好吧 无论男的女的这衣服我都会留着的。

It will work for either, but...thanks very much.

男孩女孩都可以了啊, 谢谢你。

But it's gonna be a boy. That's very sweet. Alright.

但肯定是男孩的 你太贴心了。好吧。

I have more to talking about, we will be back. we will talk about X FACTOR and other stuff.

我还有更多要聊的 一会回来 我们得聊聊《X FACTOR》什么的。

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