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1 4347 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-10




BBC News with Jonathan Izard

乔纳森·伊扎尔[Jonathan Izard]为您报道BBC新闻。

France has suspended the delivery of a warship to Russia despite the prospect of a ceasefire in Ukraine. French officials blamed Moscow's recent actions in Ukraine for the decision. Lucy Williamson reports from Paris.

尽管乌克兰停火有希望,但是法国仍然暂停向俄罗斯交付战舰。法国官员们表示他们做出该决定是由于莫斯科近期在乌克兰的行动。露西·威廉姆森[Lucy Williamson]巴黎报道。

The president's office said that despite the prospect of a ceasefire conditions in Ukraine were not right for France to continue with its first delivery of a mistral warship to Russia. It's a dramatic change of heart for a government which had pressed ahead with the deal in the face of American pressure. Even EU sanctions against Moscow weren't enough to derail the plans completely, but today's statement on the eve of a Nato summit marked a clear line in the sand. Russia's actions, it said, undermined the basic security of Europe.


The Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on rebels in eastern Ukraine to stop their military advance amid reports that a possible ceasefire deal is getting closer. Mr Putin also said the Ukrainian army must withdraw well away from population centres. The measures apart of a seven-point plan for a ceasefire here is put forward. Mr Putin said his views and those of his Ukrainian counterpart were very close, but the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that no plan from Mr Putin should be trusted.

有报道称停火协议已经越来越近,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京[Vladimir Putin]已经呼吁乌克兰东部的叛军停止军事进攻。普京[Putin]先生还表示,乌克兰军队必须从人口中心撤离。目前已经提出了一共分为七点的停火协议计划。普京[Putin]先生表示他和乌克兰同僚的观点非常接近,但是乌克兰总理阿尔塞·亚采纽克[Arseniy Yatsenyuk]称来自普京[Putin]先生的任何计划都不值得信任。

Poland has given details of US-led military exercises later this month in Ukraine, which is not a member of Nato. The Polish Defence Ministry said the annual exercises will involve hundreds of soldiers from countries including the United States,Britain and Germany. President Obama has urged Nato members to send an unmistakable message backing Ukraine in the face of what he called "brazen aggression" by Russia.


"It's a brazen assault on the territorial integrity of Ukraine, a sovereign and independent European nation. It challenges that most basic of principles of our international system - that borders cannot be redrawn at the barrel of a gun, that nations have the right to determine their own future. It undermines an international order where the rights of peoples and nations are upheld and can't simply be taken away by brute force."


The head of the World Health Organisation says more than 1,900 people are now known to have died in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The organisation says 40% of the deaths have occurred in the past three weeks. The WHO says at least $600m will be needed to fight the outbreak. Richard Hamilton reports.

世界卫生组织负责人表示西非的埃博拉病毒疫情已经造成1,900多人死亡。该组织表示,其中40%的死亡发生在过去三周。世界卫生组织表示,应对疫情至少需要6亿美元。理查德·汉密尔顿[Richard Hamilton]报道。

While a few lucky foreigners have been evacuated and treated with the latest experimental drugs the plight of those in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia is becoming increasingly desperate. Last week the WHO warned that there could be 20,000 cases of Ebola within the next nine months. The spread of the disease seems to be escalating rapidly, confirming a warning by Medecins Sans Frontieres on Tuesday that the battle against the disease is being lost. With health systems in the state of collapse and doctors and nurses dying, the medical charity said treatment centres have become places where patients went to die.


World News from the BBC.


A judge in the United States has sentenced a man to 17 years in jail for shooting dead an unarmed woman who pounded on his door in early hours of the morning. Theodore Wafer said he feared for his life when he opened fire on 19-year-old Renisha McBride on the front porch of his home in suburban Detroit. She was apparently seeking help after a car crash. An autopsy showed that she had been drinking heavily.

美国一名法官判处一名男子17年监禁,他枪杀了一名手无寸铁,凌晨时分敲了他的门的女子。西奥多·韦弗[Theodore Wafer]表示,当他在底特律郊区自己家中的前廊向19岁的麦克布莱德[Renisha McBride]开枪时,担心自己的生命受到威胁。她明显是在撞车后寻求帮助。尸体解剖显示了她曾经酗酒。

A team of investigators paid for by the British government is gathering evidence to use against the leaders of the Islamic State if they are ever tried for war crimes. The BBC has been told that investigators are piecing together evidence on the militant group's most senior members. Frank Gardner has more.

由英国政府支付薪酬的一组调查人员正在收集证据,一旦按照战争罪进行审判,这些证据将用于指控伊斯兰国的头目。BBC得知,这些调查人员正收集关于该激进组织最高级成员的证据。弗兰克·加德纳[Frank Gardner]进行详细报道。

It has no known address and until now it's avoided all publicity, but this team of highly experienced war crimes investigators is piecing together files on up to 400 of the most senior members of Islamic State, known as IS. The team has sources both inside Syria and in neighbouring countries, some operating at extreme personal risk. They smuggled documents,memory sticks, witness testimonies; they built up an intricate picture of how IS is run. But getting suspects out of a war zone will not be easy, and as yet there is no court ready to try them.


The head of Guatemala's prison service, Edgar Camargo, has been arrested and charged with involvement in a scheme of extortion and corruption in the country's jails. Prosecutors say the scheme was run by a high-profile convicted criminal,Byron Oliva Lima, who paid millions in bribes to Mr Camargo. Mr Oliva, a former army captain, took money from other inmates in exchange for allowing mobile phones, take-away food and sexual encounters in prison.

危地马拉监狱部门负责人埃德加·卡马乔[Edgar Camargo]已经被逮捕,被控告参与密谋在监狱实施敲诈和腐败的行为。检控官表示,该阴谋由一个高级罪犯拜伦·奥利瓦·利马[Byron Oliva Lima]运作,他向卡马乔[Camargo]行贿数百万美元。前军队上尉奥利瓦[Oliva]从其他囚犯那里收敛钱财,换取他们在监狱获得手机,外卖和性接触等权利。

A British soldier is being investigated for apparently breaching military discipline by trying to entertain tourists while on guard duty outside Buckingham Palace. A video posted on YouTube shows the Grenadier Guardsman in full ceremonial uniform pirouetting and marching in a comical fashion.


BBC News.


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