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1 5364 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-23


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Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond whose long-cherished dream of Scotland's independence was rejected by voters in a referendum has announced his resignation. He told reporters that he would step down as leader of the Scottish Nationalists at the Party's annual conference in November and then resigne as First Minister. Norman Smith reports.
苏格兰首席部长亚历克斯•萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)期待已久的独立之梦在全民公投中被选民拒绝。他已宣布辞职。他告诉记者,他将在11月份召开的苏格兰民族党年度会议上辞去该党派领袖一职,然后辞去首席部长的职务。Norman Smith报道。

Chasing that seems by the scale of the defeat Mr. Salmond decided to stand down. No hint of his intensions, however, immerged in public until a news conference at his official residence in Bute House.

It's been the privilege of my life to serve as First Minister. But as I said often enough during this referendum campaign, this is a process which is not about me; it's much, much more important than that.

This is a watershed moment in Scottish politics. Alex Salmond has led the SNP for a total of 20 years and has been First Minister for seven. He's been the faith of Scottish nationalism for a generation.
此时此刻是苏格兰政坛的分水岭。亚历克斯•萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)总共领导苏格兰民族党20年的时间,曾担任首席部长7年的时间。他是苏格兰民族主义者一代人的信仰。

Queen Elizabeth has said that the Scotland's decision to remain part of the United Kingdom will be respected by everyone in the UK. She said she was certain that Scots would be able to come together in a spirit of mutual respect to work constructively for their future.

A suspect in the 198 bombings of American embassies in Africa has pledged guilty to three charges at a court in New York. Adel Abdul Bary is on trial in connection with the attacks that killed 224 people in Kenya and Tanzania. From Washington, here's Jane O'Brian.
1998年美国驻非洲大使馆爆炸案嫌犯在纽约法庭对三项罪名指控供认不讳。巴里(Adel Abdul Bary)因涉嫌参与袭击接受审判,袭击造成肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚224人死亡。华盛顿,Jane O'Brian报道。

Prosecutors had claimed that Adel Abdul Bary was a high-level terrorist to run an al-Qaeda media center in London but was also a cover for the organization's military activities. The 54-year-old Egyptian was extradited from the UK after a protracted legal battle and initially charged with 284 offensives. At a New York court on Friday, he pledged guilty to three charges of conspiracy and threats to murder Americans. But the judge said he wanted to hear further arguments before more serious charges carrying a life sentence could be dropped.
监控人员指控巴里(Adel Abdul Bary)是一名高级恐怖分子,在伦敦经营一个基地组织媒体中心,并作为该组织军事活动的掩护。经过拖延已久的司法之争和最初被控告284项罪名之后,这名54岁的埃及人从英国被引渡到美国。周五,在纽约一家法庭,他承认密谋和威胁谋杀美国人。但是法官表示,在提出更加严重的致使死刑判决的指控之前,他将听取进一步的辩论。

Shares in the giant Chinese online Ali, online retailer Alibaba have soared in their debut on the New York Stock Exchange. The Chinese internet company is planning to use the money it raises on the stock market to expand in the United States and other parts of the world. Here's our business correspondent Feel Lagos.
中国电商巨头,网络零售商阿里巴巴的股价在纽约股票交易所初次亮相一路飙升。这家中国互联网公司计划利用在股票市场筹集到的资金拓展美国和世界其他地区的市场。以下是我们的商务通讯员Feel Lagos。

Alibaba's long-awaited launch on the New York Stock Exchange was certainly dramatic. The shares began trading at 92 dollars 70, a 35% increase over the initial offer price. They moved to within a whisker of $100 before dropping back. At these prices the company as a whole would be worth more than 225 billion dollars, more valuable than corporate giants such as Pfizer, IBM and Coca Cola.

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The American Secretary of State John Kerry says there is a role for Iran to play in a global effort against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. Mr. Kerry told the United Nations Security Council, the coalition to eliminate the Islamists was more than just a military one and Iran could play a part. Syrian activists say the militant group Islamic State has seized more than 60 villages around the predominately Kurdish cities near the Kurdish border. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the extremist group has pushed Kurdish fighters out along with thousands of civilians who had fled the area.

The head of the American National Football League has promised to put the sport house in order after fares criticism over the way he's dealt with violent behaviors by players off the field. The NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the League would set up new personal conduct policies.
美国国家橄榄球联盟负责人承诺肃清该体育运动的秩序。此前,人们批评了他处理球员在场外暴力行为的方式。美国橄榄球联盟委员罗杰•古德尔(Roger Goodell)表示,联盟将制定新的个人行为准则。

Earlier today, each NFL club and all of our legal office locations received information about advocacy and support organizations in their communities. In addition, our teams and lead staff, everyone will participate in education sessions starting in the next month followed by training programs.

Supporters have been embarrassed by a series of incidents involving players including allegations of domestic violence and child abuse. Mr. Goodell has been particularly criticized to his poor handling of the case of the Baltimore Ravens star Ray Rice who knocked his fiancée unconscious at a casino.
支持者们对一系列事故感到尴尬,包括家庭暴力和虐待儿童。由于对巴尔的摩乌鸦队球星古德尔Ray Rice在赌场内将未婚妻殴打至昏迷事件处理不当,古德尔备受批评。

And academics in Zimbabwe have criticized the country's biggest university for awarding a doctorate to Grace Mugabe, Zimbabwe's First Lady after just two years of study. Some analysts have speculated that President Mugabe is grooming his 49-year-old wife as successor. In August, she was nominated as head of the ruling Zanu-PF Party's Women's League.
津巴布韦学者批评国家最大的一所大学向第一夫人格蕾丝•穆加贝(Grace Mugabe)颁发了博士学位,格蕾丝仅进行了两年的学习。一些分析人员推测总统穆加贝试图将自己49岁的妻子培养为接班人。八月份,她被提名为执政党非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线妇女联盟的负责人。

BBC News.

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