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1 4833 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-09-25


Its Up to You

Sorry, Robbie. Sorry to be late this morning, 对不起,Robbie。今天早上迟了点,
but, well, we've still got some time for a cup of coffee. 不过,我们还有喝杯咖啡的时间。
I can't wait to see my old pal Charley Rafer. 我真想早点见到老友Charley Rafer。
Neither can I. 我也一样。
So you thought about it, huh? 你考虑过了吗?
Yes, I have, Dad. 是的,我考虑了,爸爸。
Well, I'm glad. 那好,我很高兴。
I knew you'd realize 我知道你会认识到
that this interview could be an important experience for you. 这次面谈是一次很难得的经验。
I came to that conclusion. 我的结论也是这样。
That's very wise, Robbie. 这是很明智的,Robbie。
Very wise. 非常明智。
Now let's head off for the city and the university club. 现在我们进城去,到大学俱乐部。
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢,爸爸。
Thanks ... for what? 谢什么?
Thanks for hearing me out. And ... 谢谢你听我的意见。而且……
And ...? 而且……?
And thanks for being such an understanding father. 而且谢谢你是这样一位善于了解我的父亲。
Well, thank you, Robbie. Thank you. 嗯,谢谢你,Robbie。 谢谢你。
Philip Stewart! Philip Stewart !
It's great to see you! 真高兴见到你!
Charley Rafer--you look as young as ever. Charley Rafer ---你看起来就跟以前一样年轻。
You must be Robbie. 你就是Robbie吧。
Hi. 你好。
Yes, this is my youngest son Robbie. 是的,这是我的小儿子Robbie。
Robbie, I want you to meet Robbie,我要你见见
one of the best tennis players on the Michigan team-- 当年Michigan球队最好的网球选手之一--
Charley Rafer. Charley Rafer。
Nice to meet you, Dean Rafer. 很高兴见到你,Rafer主任。
Well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad? 嗯,你是否像爸爸那样是一名优秀的网球选手呢?
No, I'm not very good at it. 不,我网球不行。
Frankly, neither was I. 坦白的说,我当年也不行。
Charley was the star of the team. Charley是当时队里的明星。
Yeah. Thanks. 凑数的,谢谢你。
Well, how're you been, Philip? 嗯,这些年来怎么样,Philip?

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