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2 6092 分享 来源:必克英语 2014-11-12




Smell The Flowers


Oh, it's a quarter to four, 噢,差十五分就四点了。
and I have a production meeting at four. 我四点钟有个生产会议。
I planned to take you for a ride in Central Park 我原打算带你去中央公园
in a horse and carriage. 坐马车。
Harry, I'd love to, Harry,我确实想去。
but I have work to do. 但我有工作要做。
OK. We'll walk back to your office with you. 好吧,我们陪你走回你的办公室去。
It's so nice out. 外面天气真好。
I decided to forget about my accounting problems 我已决定不再去想那些会计上的问题
and just enjoy this beautiful spring day. 尽情享受这美好的春天。
Take the time, Susan. 别那么忙,Susan。
I know I should, 我知道应该这样,
but ... well, there are too many things to do. 但是……我要做的事情太多了。
I understand. 我了解。
I'll go for a ride with Michelle. 我和Michelle一起去坐马车。
Right. 好的。
Well, I had a really nice time. 嗯,我玩得很开心。
So did I. 我也一样。
So did I. 我也一样。
I'm sorry you can't come with us, Susan. 很遗憾你不能同我们一起去,Susan。
So am I. 我也很遗憾。
Bye-bye. 再见。
Harry! Michelle! Can you wait till I make a phone call? Harry!Michelle!你们等一下让我打个电话好吗?
Sure. 当然。
Susan Stewart's office. Susan Stewart办公室。
Sam, this is Susan. Sam,我是Susan。
Hi. How was lunch? 嗨,午餐怎么样?
Fine. 很好。
You're late. 你已经迟了。
The production department's waiting in the conference room. 生产部门的人正在会议室等你。
I know. 我知道。
Ask Paul Smith to fill in for me. 叫Paul Smith代替我出席。
He knows everything about the production schedule, 他知道生产进度的一切,
and he can answer any questions. 他也可以回答任何问题。
Right. 好的。
Don't tell any one, 别告诉别人,
but I'm taking a little time to smell the flowers. 我正利用一点时间轻松一下。
Good for you. 我真为你高兴。
It'll be our secret. 这只是你我之间的秘密。
But schedule another production meeting for tomorrow. 务必安排在明天举行另一次生产会议。
I'll be back 我会回来
for my six o'clock appointment with Mr. Ozawa. 参加六点钟与Ozawa先生的会议。
OK, Susan. 好的,Susan。
And have a nice afternoon. 祝你下午玩得愉快。
Thanks. 谢谢。
She likes you. 她喜欢你。
I know. I like her. 我知道。我喜欢她。
How'd you do it? 是如何办到的?
We had a talk. 我们谈了一下。
About what? 谈什么?
Life. 生活。
And what did you decide? 那你们有什么结论呢?
That's a secret ... between us women. 这是个秘密……我们女人间的秘密。

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